An annual inter Amity Science quiz titled ‘Bazinga’, organized for students of Class IX to XI was conceived by Chairperson Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan to inculcate scientific temper in the students. The quiz aims at testing the theoretical, analytical and reasoning skills inphysics. It is first held at intra classlevel, followed by inter class level, culminates with the inter Amity round. The questions for different rounds are based on various subjects including physics, chemistry, biology, latest innovations, scientists and audio-visuals.

2016-2017 ->

Date: November 11, 2016

Nearly 500 students of classes IX- XI took part in the First Round of Inter Amity Science Quiz ‘Bazinga’ The school hosted the final quiz for Class IX on November 11, 2016. The students who qualified after the screening rounds took part in the Inter Amity Round of the Quiz. AIS Noida bagged the first position followed by AIS Gurgaon 46 and AIS Saket as the first runner up and second runner up respectively.