Date : July 20 -22, 2020
Suhani Chauhan (VIII), Samara Chauhan (VII), Saumya Chauhan (X) and Nalin Jayaswal (XI) along with 14 other students from different branches of Amity Group of School, Delhi / NCR participated in Digital Young Leaders Summit for the first time. The event held virtually was organised under the aegis of Amity Educational Resource Centre (AERC) and was based on theme 2020 Vision: Future Changemakers. Students from UK, Greece, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, China and India participated in the global event. Saumya Chauhan showcased a presentation about Amity Group highlighting life and times of Dr Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Universe, Amity’s philosophy, Amity university, Amity Group of Schools, AERC, The Global Times, Amitasha and Atulasha during the cultural immersion session.The annual summit for secondary school students is held by a core team of fellows from the University of Oxford in collaboration with Knowledge Collective. Their mentors and speakers, comprise professors and researchers from the University of Oxford along with specialists from industry, medicine, business, the humanities, and the social sciences.