October 25, 2018 Founder’s Day was celebrated in school with ‘Gratitude’ as theme of the event. For a full week before the actual event every class did some activity which helped students imbibe the virtue of thankfulness. On day of the celebrations Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity Group of Schools and RBEF, Mrs Pooja Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity Humanity Foundation and Mrs Divya Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity School of Fine Arts and Fashion Technology graced the occasion. Students gifted to the Chairperson, various tokens of love they had made for the Founder President. They also showed a movie presentation they had made on life and times of their beloved Founder President. Students of Atulasha also presented tokens of love made by them. In her address to the students Chairperson urged upon the students follow the principles of BHAAG.