Date: July 26-29, 2024
In a trailblazing victory, the school team emerged as winners of the 31st International Space Settlement Competition held at Kennedy Space Centre, NASA. The winsome team comprised Samaya Chauhan (XI), Arsh Arora (XII), Dhruv Bhandari (XII), Akshita Bhandari (XII), Daksh Dhull (XII), Taarush Goswami (XII), Avneet Kaur Virdi (XII), Aaditya Raj Verma (XII), Namya Jain (XII) and Yash Wadhwa (XII) of AIS PV. The team along with students from 6 other schools across the globe including countries as China, USA, Australia and UK formed a company ‘Vulture Aviation’. This 60-member student team saw the teammates working under different departments, to design a space settlement on the surface of moon at the Peary crater on the moon, accommodating 10,000 people. The team was given a total of 41 hours to craft the space settlement design proposal and present it to the jury. They designed ‘The Balderol Space Settlement’ aimed at establishing a huge, sustainable community on the moon with residential and commercial space for 12500 full time residents. The proposal also included space for 1500 transient visitors and 4500 annual rotational workers, including engineers and technicians. This year the Dick Edwards Leadership award for exceptional leadership went to Arsh Arora (International level), Shivansh Nagar and Taarush Goswami (National Level) and Dhruv Bhandari (Asian level). It is notable that at the Asian level also the team had received Special Mention award for ‘Social Media Interactiveness.’