8 th to 14 th September 2023
Team Urja participated in the Amarco F1 in schools World final 2023 held in Singapore from 8 th to 14 th September 2023 . Best 68 teams from across the world participated in this competition after crossing their countries nationals and regionals. Extensive rounds of interviews were done on the various portfolios. In the award ceremony team urja bagged the project management portfolio award which was sponsored by Project Managment institute (PMI) and was nominated for the women in motorsports award .
Team Urja won Project Management Institute sponsored *Best Practices of Project Management Award*. Project Management is an integral part of F1 in Schools, the team has to prepare a project report in a form of portfolio. Every team has to showcase how they initiated, planned, executed, monitored and closed their own F1 in Schools World Finals project. Team Urja managed their project in the best way using best practices of project management. For Project Management Award Team Oryx from Saudi Arabia and Team Aurora from Australia got nominated however Team Urja won the award in the F1 in Schools World Finals 2023.