Date: August 28, 2021
School organised 17th Cyber Buzz, an annual inter-school competition virtually. A series of competitions like: Flick (paint 3D), Fun-o-Tastic (toontastic), E-Brochure (MS word and MS paint), Opus, Spark’ ITup (flyer in Adobe Spark), Clic(k) he (photography), Chalchitra (short movie making), Buzzer (computer quiz), Logic Gate (programming), Clue5 (surprise), Plague (gaming), Masquerades (fancy dress), Levio Sway and Trial by Combat(group discussion) were held during the event, in which 50 eminent schools of Delhi / NCR participated. School team won first position in Spark’ITup, Clic(k) he and Masquerades, second position in Flick and Chalchitra and third position in Opus and Levio Sway. Overall rolling trophy was bagged by AIS Pushp Vihar while, AIS Gurugram 46 was the first runner-up and AIS Noida was the second runner-up.
A presentation on world peace School principal Dr Anshu Arora with the participants