Overall Result Analysis
Total No. of students appeared | 55 |
No. of students pass | 55 |
No. of students with score 95% and above | 4 |
Pass percentage | 100 |
School Average | 82.93% |
Distribution (Overall percentage)
95+ | 90-95 | 80-90 | 70-80 | 60-70 | Below 60 |
3 | 13 | 17 | 17 | 5 | 0 |
Top 3 Position holders
Rank | Name of the Student | Aggregate | Total | Percentage (5 Subjects) |
1 | Vaibhav Pandey | 486 | 500 | 97.2% |
2 | Devansh Singh | 480 | 500 | 96.0% |
3 | Vedant Pratap Singh | 479 | 500 | 95.8% |
Vaibhav Pandey 486/500 Devansh Singh 480/500 Vedant Pratap Singh 479/500