Date : July 25-27, 2022
School team named Immunity Warriors, won the awards for Best Documentation and Best Mentor Teacher, at the 13th Youth Power finale organised online. The team comprising Fatima Samreen, Jagriti Agarwal and Saumya Soni of Class XI and Ajeet Kumar Bharti of Class XII took up the cause for creating awareness on building immunity. They organised an online yoga event for the entire school in an effort to teach them the various asanas that can help boost their immunity and also conducted mask making and kadha making activities with the students. Prof Manish K Verma, Secretary, Indian Sociological Society and Dr Sanjiban Banerjee, Molecular Biologist and Co-founder, AbGenics Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd were the jury members of the YP.
Team Suraksha ups its ante for the finale Team Suraksha ups its ante for the finale Waging the war of immunity Team Suraksha faces the jury Fielding the questions of jury