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We are now CBSE AFFILIATED up to Grade XII : Affiliation No. 1131344


Foundational Stage (GRADE Nursery - 2)
  • Blend of play-way and Montessori Method
  • Stimulating safe and happy environment.
  • Well equipped play area and indoor games room
  • Value-driven environment
  • Equal opportunities to all
  • Multi level/activity-based

Subjects Offered

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Mathematics
  • General Knowledge
  • Marathi
  • EVS
  • Life skills
  • Communication skills
  • Music
  • Art
  • Dance and fitness
Preparatory Stage (GRADE 3 - 5)
  • Developing scientific temperament and investigative skills.
  • Critical thinking and creativity enhancing learning.
  • Use of technology in instructional-led learning and providing an experiential learning environment. Formative assessment is interwoven with daily learning to support and enhance a child’s growth.
  • Promoting 21st century critical thinking skills

Subjects Offered

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Mathematics
  • General Knowledge
  • Marathi
  • EVS
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • Life skills
  • Communication skills
  • Music
  • Art
  • Dance and fitness
Middle Stage (GRADE 6 - 8)
  • Project based learning based on SDG
  • Imparting multiple intelligence skills
  • Mentoring and hand holding students for conducive learning environment.
  • Continuous and comprehensive evaluation for holistic development

Subjects Offered

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Mathematics
  • General Knowledge
  • Marathi
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • Life Skills
  • Communication skills
  • Skill education ( Financial literacy and Design thinking)
  • Music
  • Art
  • Dance and fitness
  • French / Sanskrit
Secondary Stage (GRADE 9 -10)
  • Student-centric approach
  • Hands-on active learning
  • Technology integration for blended learning
  • Investigation, experimentation and demonstration
  • Differentiation, scaffolding and remediation


The assessments are well aligned with the latest CBSE guidelines so as to incorporate:

  • Periodic Tests, Half Yearly and Annual Examinations (Class 9)
  • Periodic Tests and Pre-boards and Boards (Class 10)
  • Multiple Assessments
  • Subject Enrichment Activities
  • Portfolio

Subjects Offered



  • English Language and Literature
  • Hindi Course B or Sanskrit Communicative or French
  • Mathematics Standard
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • Marathi
  • Information Technology


  • Art Education
  • Physical Education and Sports
  • Value Education
  • Work Experience/ Sewa