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We are now CBSE AFFILIATED up to Grade XII : Affiliation No. 1131344

Founder’s Message

Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan

Founder President, Ritnand Balved Education Foundation
(The Foundation of Amity Institutions and Sponsoring Body of Amity Universities)
Chairman, AKC Group of Companies

Amity is not just a group of institutions which imparts world-class education, but an experience where everyone associated is part of a dream, a mission to see that we nurture truly great leaders.

Education empowers. This is exactly what we do at Amity. Empower the students to be socially, economically, and professionally successful in life. Empower them to be sensitive to their environment with a progressive attitude. In a nutshell, empower them to be the change and see the change.

As members of society and the nation, it is our sole responsibility to ensure that each child gets due right to gain knowledge through education and thus develop into a responsible citizen.  It is up to us to build the foundation for value education which will ultimately help our students judge between right and wrong.

The foundation of a sound education system laid at Amity is the biggest service that one can do for the nation and humanity. Education shapes the destiny of the nation. Therefore, the foundation laid at Amity aims to bring India on the world map as a developed nation and establish its image as a superpower of the new millennium by 2030.

Nurturing young talents under the tutelage of qualified professionals, Amity has embarked upon the journey of nation building and has a strong resolve to nurture Amitians into Global Citizens.