The school has ISO certification which puts the school on International reference for quality management in the teaching –Learning process.
With an certification in ISO 9001 the school qualifies as a part of International Standards of Education at global platform and demonstrates that it has set up a working process to tackle quality issues within the organization and strive to develop a culture of quality improvements.
Standardization of services has been ensured by rigorous documentations and set up processes for all quality relevant issues in the organization. A system of value is created and delivered to customer which is under regular guidance and monitoring of concerned authorities.
To build up children’s comprehensive personalities, the school offers an interactive teaching-learning environment that focuses on bringing out the best in the students. The students are provided with ample opportunities for self-expression, innovation, initiative, an environment for experimentation and experience-blended learning with an understanding of traditional values, respect for others, to groom them as effective and responsible global leaders.
To build up children’s comprehensive personalities, the school offers an interactive teaching-learning environment that focuses on bringing out the best in the students. The students are provided with ample opportunities for self-expression, innovation, initiative, an environment for experimentation and experience-blended learning with an understanding of traditional values, respect for others, to groom them as effective and responsible global leaders.
A thematic approach is designed to stimulate the children through various interactive sessions and hands on activities. Innovative, contemporary concepts are projected and reinforced through different subjects – “experiential learning” culminating in ‘joyful learning’ is the ultimate goal. A blend of mass participation along with an emphasis on a strong sense of individuality is stressed upon.
The emphasis at Middle School, besides following the NCERT guidelines, is on developing the right study habits and securing an in-depth knowledge of the subject. The curriculum is research oriented and is based on teamwork. Selection of matter and presentation is given utmost importance. Personality development, value education and coping with peer pressure are stressed upon at this stage.
The curriculum as planned by CBSE is followed in letter and spirit. Children are encouraged to go beyond the scope of the syllabus. Education here is interspersed with projects, surveys and reports, debates and discussions that cover the latest trends and discoveries. The emphasis at this stage is to research, reflect, analyse and conclude what is being taught and learnt through the syllabus.