Investiture Ceremony

Date: January 20, 2024

School held its investiture ceremony to induct the newly elected student council in hybrid mode. The event was graced virtually by Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity Group of Schools and RBEF. Newly elected young leaders Ananya Singh (XII, head girl -senior) and Aradhy Dixit (XII, head boy – senior); Manvi Chandra (VIII, head girl – junior) and Lavishya Banerjee (VIII, head boy – junior); Naisha Tripathi (V, head girl – primary) & Shashwat Singh (V, head boy – primary) were bestowed with badges and sashes. The entire student council pledged to discharge their duties with utmost loyalty, honesty, and truth. The ceremony culminated with an address by the chairperson wherein, she emphasized upon the importance of instilling leadership skills and respect for cultural diversity in young minds.