

The primary programme is a well-designed curriculum to shape the foundation of new world learners. The children indulge in diverse activities throughout the year. These activities are an integrated part of the curriculum and substantiate classroom learning.

  • Field Trips: It leaves an impression on the young minds when they experience. Field trips make it a fun learning about the world around.
  • Value based Education: Students are trained to face the outer world with the right attitude and values system. They are given wings to fly but are rooted to our culture with traditional values.
  • Theme based Assembly and Celebrations – Children learn the value of cultural festivals by participation in Special Assemblies conducted on Diwali, Dusshera, Christmas, Children’s Day, Republic Day and Independence Day.
  • Activity and Project Based Learning – Learning is made fun by including various activities related to the curriculum during classroom learning that enhances the thinking ability of children. The curriculum is supported by various projects that make the learning like the imprints on wet concrete.
  • Collaborative learning – A modern pedagogy that involves group of students working together to solve a problem. Various activities are planned that give students the opportunity to collaborate and learn from each other.
  • Role play and Dramatization: Role play corners in the classrooms adds on to the belongingness that the students have for their class and make them fall in love for it.