Extremely satisfied with the overall development of my child in this school. Very impressed with the teaching methodologies and the concept building exercises conducted at school. Individualised teaching is really commendable and the playful ideas delivered by teachers definitely keeps the interest alive. The child is always excited about going to school which itself signifies the effort of the teachers and the welcomeness of the school atmosphere. Active participation in various co-curricular activities is always encouraged by the teachers. Character building activities and instilling healthy ideas in the young minds promises a prosperous future for each child.

Shreshtha Ojha

m/o Satvik Ojha Grade-1, AIS

My son was the first admission in this prestigious school and I take pride in sharing the experience at Amity as I have total confidence in the organization. Teaching methods adopted here are excellent. Teachers are so caring that this school is a second home for my son. He wants to come to school even on a holiday. My son was an introvert and he has become a child who has shed away shyness. Experience of cultural activities is always memorable. Ambience of the school is awesome. Students are involved in all kinds of activities. All teachers and school has excelled above my expectations of a school.”

Jeslin S Prabha

m/o Neevan Ranjan – KG, AIS

The staff at AIS is really helpful and we feel that my son is receiving and getting exposed to everything he needs at this school and team AIS have been great at keeping us updated with his school life. We feel he is progressing profoundly and we are very proud of him and happy with the school. Thank you for your great support.

Princy Verughese

m/o Joen Varughese Grade-1, AIS

AIS has marked its beginning in schooling at Raipur with its beautiful campus. It will definitely continue to grow with ideal teacher- student ratio. Team AIS has excellent understanding of the school philosophy and have imbibed it to the core. Team AIS is doing a great job please keep it going.

Iti Shukla

m/o Soven Rajat Grade-1, AIS

In the present scenario, when every parent feels that the social, moral and cultural values amongst the children have been eroded by the modern education system, Amity stands tall against the same. Today when we compare our children with others studying in schools with big name in society, we find our children very well behaved, cultured, socially responsible, intelligent and above all, good human beings. ‘We not only provide education, we nurture talent’, this is not just a slogan by Amity, but it is the way of life.

Mr. Suresh Sachdeva

f/0 Paridhi Sachdeva,

Shinjini was a shy child during the starting days of her school. I feel proud to note that due to the able guidance of her teachers and strong support of the school management, she has become a confident child. The evolution of my ward both from academics and personality development points of view is noteworthy. Shinjini bagged the All Rounder award for seven continuous years (2005-2011) from KG to Class VI. My firm belief is that the value based education system in AIS evolved by the Founder President Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan and followed in true spirit by the Chairperson Dr. (Mrs) Amita Chauhan has actively played a role in shaping up my ward.

Hillol Biswas

mother or father of Shinjini,

AIS Gurugram 46 just justifies its rank among the top schools of India by producing scholars every year who bring laurels for the country. I have had a mesmeric journey from Class VI to XII in this school. It is here that I explored various interests apart from academics that helped me become what I am today. I won numerous laurels in chess and represented my school at national and international levels. I went on to win the most prestigious award of the school – the ‘Late Baljit Shastri Shield’. I will never forget the incredible fun that I had during events like sports days, annual functions, citations and farewell! Needless to say, this is the best school I could have ever studied. The red brick building that became my alma mater, has helped me in every possible way to get make my way into another red bricked building – Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC).

Vaibhavi Thakur