The school integrates information and communication technology into the curriculum, and thus provides the latest resources in this field.
The school’s computer and communication network provides state-of-the-art computing facilities and broadband Internet connectivity. Apart from full-fledged Computer Labs, the Learning Centre also has computing facility to assist students in projects and research assignments.
The entire campus is connected through a network and computers, printers, scanners with high speed internet connectivity.
Computer Labs
Three fully equipped Computer Labs where each child is provided with his own workstation. All systems have latest configuration with filtered internet connectivity. Each child is provided with his own workstation.

Maths LAB
Math lab is well equipped with learning kits like Mann Cards, Jodo Gyan Kit, Measurement Kit, Tangrams, Dummy Currency Kit, Fractional Kits, Magic Circles, etc. The activities are conducted to help the children perform original thinking and investigation, systematically organise and interpret a given data. These activities also assist them to analyse a problem discovering fundamental relationship.

Project Based Learning (PBL)
PBL and FLIP are activities wherein students research for a particular topic on internet and create PowerPoint Presentations, learn and research on TED classes; create extensive reports in Math’s, Science and Social Science.

A/V Room and Auditorium
Both Audio Visual Room and Auditorium has the latest configuration systems, projectors, screen, sound systems, speakers for holding various school functions, workshops etc.