Date of Graduation Ceremony : May 31, 2020
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Chairperson Mam and the school principal for giving me the permission to attend the virtual graduation ceremony of my batch mates. It has been two years since I left AGS Gurugram, but then the three years I spent there were some of the best school years of my life.
What touched me the most and that I would like to share is when the Chairperson, Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan Ma’am asked everyone to clap for me during the ceremony. At that moment I wanted to express my thanks but my microphone did not pick up. Today I want to say all that I wanted then through this letter.
Respected ma’am, I am really grateful that you let me participate in the graduation ceremony. I enjoyed seeing my former classmates graduate as if I was there. I was also extremely touched when you acknowledged my presence.
I want you to know that while I cherish many of my school years I will never forget Amity, and all the work that the school put in making me and my fellows open-minded and knowledge-thirsty students who are ready to face the real world once graduated. I also would like to send my sincere thanks to the teachers who supported me during the years of IG-1 and 2. I extend my special thanks to Mrs Vandana who was able to make me fall in love with chemistry to the extent that I applied at the faculty of chemistry at the universities of Turin and Milan. After getting a degree in analytical chemistry I plan to pursue a master’s in forensic chemistry. Thereafter I plan to join the Italian Military as an officer in the Forensic Sciences Investigation department, in Italian known as RIS.
I wish all the best for AGS, its faculty teachers, students and staff.
I sincerely hope that if in recent years I’am able to come back to India, I’ll be able to stop by AGS.
Umberto Filineri Grade IG-1 and 2

In the half year I spent away from the school I realized the little joys that through seven years of my school life had become so normal to me, it was almost crippling to let go of them. This school was never just a building to me, even though my body protested while waking up for school, every quirk I possess, every nook and cranny of my being, originated here. Looking back, leaving school felt like a big step, a positive step towards adulthood but there was always this heavy sadness in our hearts in the last few days of school. The wheel of time turns bringing forth new eras as the eras before conclude their tales. Life will go on, but there’s one thing that’ll never turn into fleeting memories, the memories and the people of Amity Vasundhara-1, the staff, the students and indubitably not the sweet nostalgia and the melancholy that yearns for the days when going to school was an indisputable part of life.
Satyam Ambast (Outgoing Student)
Class XII – A (2016 – 17)

Seven years back, I stepped into the renowned red-brick building; nervousness running through my veins. 6 years later, I stepped out of the same building; again nervous but this time tears in my eyes that the marvelous school days were over.
Getting into Amity was my first step towards success. Amity taught me something I had never witnessed before. As per my experience, quality of education in Amity is by far the finest. Rather than classroom bound education system, Amity provided the exposure to different educational events like Amity International Model United Nation conference, Vasudha, Yuva Vichar Manch, etc.
The last and most important point, Amity not only provided the finest education, but also the most interesting Cultural events and the most thrilling Sports events. I got the chance of the thrilling experience of Amity Cadet Corps army training camp during my school days. Not only this, it was again because of Amity that I got to learn one of my favorite sports, Karate. I started Karate when I joined Amity and now I am a National level Silver medalist in Karate. Other than this, I also got the chance to play for my school’s Football team.
Shubhank Tyagi (Outgoing Student)
Class XII – A (2015 – 16)

I have always felt so lucky to be a student of Amity International School as the red brick school has made me a better person.
I spent 7 years in Amity and I would proudly say that my experience here was remarkable. The teacher here were so close to the students and the friendly atmosphere never let me down. This place added a lot to my persona and gave me a number of opportunities to groom myself.
Now that I have passed out from the school, I look back and cherish all the memories that I have shared with my school.
Amity, in itself is a whole world.
Vritika Chandwani (Outgoing Student)
Class XIIA (2016-17)

Convincingly, the most memorable years of my life. School provided me with an endless supply of knowledge and moulded me into the person I am today.
Surudhip Raam (Outgoing Student)
Class XIIA (2015-16)