

“The whole world is opened to me, when I learned to read”
– Mary Mcleod Bethune

The school library is a welcoming place for study and reading. The library encourages the love of reading and development of student’s independent learning skills. The library has both printed as well as audio-visual material like CD-ROM and DVDS. There are plenty of books, encyclopedias, picture books, activity books, dictionaries.

Reading Room

We have a Junior Reading Room where the young budding Amitians are exposed to good reading habits thus leading them to become voracious readers.

Reading room is equipped with a Kyan where children’s phonetic is enhanced and vocabulary development is personalized.

Class Library

Class library is a part and parcel of the classroom learning programme to enhance the reading skills of the children. Once a week i.e. Friday, children take books home, write a book review and bring it back on Monday.