CBSE Board Exam Result Analysis Class X

Total no. of students appeared 12
Passed 12
Ist Division 12
School Average 86.8%
Distinctions 10
Result 100%

Distribution (Overall Percentage)

95+% 90-95% 80-90% 70-80% 60-70% Below 60%
5 1 3 2 1 0

Top 3 position holders

Rank Name of the Student Aggregrate Total Percentage  (5 Subjects)
  1 Dhruv Bhardwaj 490 500 98%
2       Khushi Dantre 483   500   96.6%  
3   Aniruddh Pratap Singh Chauhan 481 500 96.2%

Top 3 position holders

 Cent Percent Subject Scorers

Subject Name of the Student/s
Dhruv Bhardwaj
Aniruddh Pratap Singh Chauhan

Subject Toppers

Subject Name of The Toppers
English comm. Akash Pal
Khushi Dantre
Hindi Dhruv Bhardwaj
Khushi Dantre
Mathematics Dhruv Bhardwaj
Aniruddh Pratap Singh Chauhan    
Science Dhruv Bhardwaj
Khushi Dantre  
Social Studies Akash Pal
Khushi Dantre  

Top 10 Students

Rank Student Name Aggregate Total Percentage
1 Dhruv Bhardwaj 490 500 98%
2 Khushi Dantre 483 500 96.6%
3 Aniruddh Pratap Singh Chauhan 481 500 96.2%
4   Akash Pal
Pranjal Gurjar
478 500 95.6%
5 Mayank Gurjar 459 500 91.8%
6 Priyanshu Tripathi 444 500 88.8%
7 Anuj Sharma 430 500 86%
8 Ankit Yadav 407 500 81.4%
 9 Ankit Gurjar 382 500 76.4%