Date: June 26-27, 2020
A first of its kind two days virtual professional development program for educators was held by HR training and development department. The training program, an initiative of Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity Group of Schools and RBEF comprised 66 sessions, 14 programmes, and was attended by 1100 educators of pre-primary, primary and TGT levels, art and crafts educators and counsellors from different branches of Amity Group of School. Objective of the programme was to apprise educators about changes in CBSE curriculum, assessment patterns, marking schemes, empower them with latest pedagogies, online teaching tools, assessments like PISA and share best educational practices. A special workshop was also conducted to enable teachers to map the existing curriculum to integrate the Cambridge English Syllabus with the school curriculum. A multitude of hands on modern teaching methods and ways to enhance classroom engagement and better classroom management were also discussed.