Heritage Quiz 2016-2017

As a part of Heritage Education, every year the school identifies three states/UTs and celebrates their rich and diverse heritage. Various activities are organized through the year under the guidance of Chairperson Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan, where children are encouraged to learn about the selected state’s people, culture, lifestyle, art & craft, music, dance, costumes, fairs and festivals, languages, religions, rituals, cuisine, etc. The highlights are colourful display boards, inter-section quiz, food festivals, etc. The yearlong celebrations conclude with Inter Amity Heritage Quiz hosted by AIS Saket.

2016-2017 ->

Date: July 16, 2016
The school participated in an Inter- Amity Heritage Quiz, hosted by Mr Aditya Nath, a renowned name in the world of quizzing. The quiz was segregated into three sections Junior, Middle and Senior and comprised of multifarious topics like Indian culture, religion, literature, art, mythology and architecture spanning four states of India- Nagaland, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. The rolling trophy was bagged by AIS, Noida. The quiz was conducted at AIS, Saket.