The School follows a ‘CHILD CENTERED’ approach to education. Students have to face tremendous stress and strain due to early exposure to increasing competition at every level. Guidance and counseling in school helps in building confidence and an all round personality of a student.
A school counselor is a counseling psychologist who works under the direction of the Principal to provide specialized support to the students with social, emotional, behavioral and academics problems.
At Amity there are counselors to cater to the emotional needs of the students. They are available during school hours on all working days.
Students may see the counselor with a prior appointment after getting the permission slip signed by the concerned teacher during school hours and Parents can see the counselors during PTM or on designated days with prior appointment.

Eminent dignitaries and guest speakers are invited to address the students and share their professional views. Through these workshops students are provided with extensive information on various issues and concerns.

Aptitude Testing and Career Guidance:
An amazing and comprehensive career counselling programme for Xth class students is organized by the school, with Amity Career Counselling and Guidance Cell in coordination with Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences for all the students.
Aptitude Testing was undertaken and students were given various personality tests like Interests, Ability (Verbal Ability, Numerical Ability, Spatial Ability, Closure Ability, Clerical Ability, Reasoning Ability, Mechanical Ability, Psycho-Motor Ability), Personality Tests followed by individual career counselling. Career fairs are organized to help students and parents to know about emerging careers.