Middle School Annual Day

December 3, 2015

The middle school annual day celebrations of the schools unravelled with the lighting of the lamp, followed by the soulful rendition of shlokas, the mellifluous welcome song Shubh Swagatam and spectacular orchestra performance Swar Taal Parikrama, a harmonious synchronisation of a variety of instruments played by over 200 students enthralled the audience. The visual feast was the scintillating dance drama ‘Manav se manavta tak’ which displayed the origin of mankind, the fight for survival, the joy of living harmoniously with all, despite the varied cultures with Manavta- Humanity as the binding factor. The chief guest for the day Principal Commissioner of Income Tax , Dr Sadhana Shanker applauded the performance of the students. School principal Mrs Renu Singh presented the school’s annual report. Chairperson Dr Mrs Amita Chauhan congratulated the students for their brilliant performance, laid emphasis on strengthening the values and patriotism in the youth.