At AIS NOIDA, a variety of teaching-learning methodologies, integrated with technology, are used to give students a holistic education making them independent, life-long learners and above all responsible citizens of the globe. Equal attention is given to the development of the body, mind and spirit. Consequently, teachers provide students with the individual attention necessary to help them achieve their goals. Critical judgment is encouraged so that students can discuss topics with coherent arguments supported by evidence. Moreover, teachers know, motivate and understand their pupils and have a deep knowledge of the subject. Records of progress are shared periodically with parents. An extensive academic programme is planned and reviewed periodically ensuring that all classes achieve consistently high results. Classes are interactive and students learn in very stimulating and motivating ways.

Primary Wing
Middle Wing
Senior wing
Primary Wing
  • Circle Time
  • Thematic Assemblies
  • Parties and Celebrations
  • Collaborative Learning
  • Learning Centres

Circle Time

Every day, in the morning as well as in the afternoon, the Circle time activity period is conducted where the children by the means of discussions, story narration, puppet show, role play, show and tell, question and answer sessions and quizzes are exposed to different monthly themes, life skills, moral values and ethics. This activity further helps in strengthening the bond between the teachers and the students.

Thematic Assemblies

Assemblies, especially at the pre-primary level, are another powerful means of inculcating good moral values and enhancing their knowledge. During this, the children are exposed to various aspects of life.

Collaborative Learning

These hold the children's attention, interdisciplinary learning model is adopted. To create excitement in the classroom, students are encouraged to talking and using new vocabulary in the class room. Different subjects are intermingled to provide opportunities to teach skills in an interesting context.

Learning Centres

Learning centres are the well planned setups within the classrooms. These include Literacy Language Centre, Science Centre, Maths Centre, Construction/Block Centre, Music Centre, Art and Craft Center and Reading Centre. Each centre is equipped with the learning materials like Judo Gyan Kit, Montessori Apparatus, Abacus, Science Experiment Equipment and other materials related to different subjects and themes, which are used to further enhance the knowledge of the children.

Middle Wing
The Middle Wing of Amity Noida believes in experiential learning methodology in order to make learning fun filled, interesting and meaningful. We encourage students to ask questions and explore answers to become critical thinkers of the future generation.
  • Assemblies and Celebrations
  • Project Based Learning
  • Technology Integration
  • Heritage Education
  • Media Literacy
  • Interdisciplinary Learning Activities
  • Social and Spiritual Development

Assemblies and Celebrations

Theme based assemblies and celebrations are organized to help students understand the significance and traditional values related to various festivals and inculcate respect for our culture, customs and religions.

Project Based Learning

The learners are provided with challenging activities which are linked with research. This develops critical thinking skills a new age 21st century skill among students. Learning through projects which they personally construct after researching, enhances their confidence.

Technology Integration

These trips are organized to make the children aware of their environment, to know their mother nature better along with its benefits and to make the children independent. These trips are organized to visit places like zoological park, amusement parks, museums, historical places etc.

Heritage Education

The Heritage Progarmme seeks to encourage and expose the young children to develop understanding and appreciation for our rich cultural legacy through a wide array of activities. Heritage Education is an important part of the learning process. It inculcates respect for diversity and integration.

Media Literacy

In today’s digital age media education holds an important place in teaching learning process. It helps in developing critical and creative abilities of young students. To enhance critical and creative writing skills students are encouraged to provide articles, poems or any creative peace in “The Global Times” an in house news paper by the students and for the students. Times to time workshops are conducted to guide students about various aspects of print media.

Interdisciplinary Learning Activities

Every child is born with an innate talent. The middle wing provides ample opportunities to the students to enhance and showcase their talent in various fields by organizing number of co-curricular learning activities to facilitate all round development of the students.

Social and Spiritual Development

Values are guiding principles that shape our outlook, attitudes and conduct. The aim of including these skills in curriculum is to empower students to face the challenges of life. To make students self reliant, stress free and to develop a sense of purpose number of activities like social service, hawan , spiritual and motivational talks are organized time to time.

Senior wing
  • Activity Led Learning
  • Educational Trips
  • Technology Integration
  • Spiritual Development
  • Interdisciplinary Curriculum
  • Administrative Leadership
  • Cultural Awareness

Activity Led Learning

The children are exposed to various science based activities like Germination, Evaporation and experiments based on the concepts like Water Cycle, Fine Senses, Gravity Magnets and Colours. This helps the children understand different concepts through experiments and acquire knowledge using their sensory skills.

Educational Trips

These trips are organized to make the children aware of their environment, to know their mother nature better along with its benefits and to make the children independent. These trips are organized to visit places like zoological park, amusement parks, museums, historical places etc.

Technology Integration

To enhance learning experience, technology is integrated with in curriculum. Teachers use presentations, simulations and virtual labs. These help the children to grasp the concepts in a better way through visual and audio effects.

Spiritual Development

The school authorities, on regular intervals, organize Hawan in school. The children are made aware of the different Vedas, Moral Values and Mantras.

Interdisciplinary Curriculum

Interdisciplinary Curriculum integrates one or more disciplines to examine a central theme, issue, problem topic or experience through a variety of activities / experiments.

Administrative Leadership

Students learn to shoulder responsibilities and be effective leaders as Head Girl / Head Boy, House Captains, Vice Captains, Cultural, Literary and Sports Secretaries and Prefects.

Cultural Awareness

Cultural Education forms an important part of a broad and balanced curriculum. This is achieved through a variety of programmes like Art education, visits to museums, exchange programmes and International events like Odyssey of the Mind, World's Scholars Cup, Model United Nations.