“If I can’t learn the way you teach then teach me the way I can.”
We at AISN recognize the need and importance to cater to the unique needs of students with Learning Difficulties. The Learning Enhancement Centre at AISN was set up in 1999 with an objective of optimizing academic performance of our students with Learning Difficulties.
Our mission is to provide a support system for our students with Learning Difficulties so as to help them cope with the rigours of the curriculum. We endeavor to build and restore self esteem and help pupils discover their strengths and potentials. This nurtures them to become self reliant global citizens.
We have a well resourced Learning Centre providing a nurturing environment to small groups or individual students to work on specific targets. Our multidisciplinary team consists of a Coordinator, Special educators, Counsellors, Speech therapist and Pediatrician. Clinical Psychologists are referred to as needed.
The role of the Centre begins from primary school where students get specialized help in a supportive environment through skill based Individual Educational Plans (IEP) to optimize learning. Students continue to get help till high school depending on the need.
Brain Gym exercises and sensory integration are incorporated in our multi sensory approach. We provide individual help along with classroom support. Counselling of students to raise self esteem, motivational levels and to modify behavior is an important part of our work. Provisions granted by the examining authorities are availed of by some students with Learning Difficulties to help them cope with the general curriculum.
Our staff is well sensitized to meet the requirements of children with Learning Difficulties.
We take great pride in the fact that our students walk out of the school portals as confident achievers.