World Teenage Reporting Project

Date:April – May 2020
Aditi Banerji and Kreetik Thakur of AIS Noida along with six young reporters from The Global Times, the student led registered newspaper of Amity Group of Schools filed stories that were accepted by World Teenage Reporting Project >COVID-19, an initiative of The Global Youth & News Media Prize that challenged teenage journalists worldwide to tell the untold stories of how their peers are helping during the pandemic. These global set of stories were published in three series (three stories in series 1, two in series 2 and two in series 3) and showcased on the official project website at… along with other stories from around the world.Aditi Banerji reported about robot ‘Prithvi’ designed by 3 teenage inventors to help caregivers in hospitals while Kreetik Thakur reported about 100 3D face shields made by Satyam Mehta of his school.