Date: April 21, 2017
Class I to V students were felicitated for achievements in academics and co-curricular activities. The ceremony commenced with lamp lighting followed by junior school choir performing on ‘Amity ke tare hain hum’. Vice Principal Veera Pandey felicitated the students with special awards. The programme concluded with school song and the National Anthem.
Students pose proud with their earned trophies Lamp lighting ceremony Little kids with their trophies A moment of pride for the achievers Beaming winner felicitated for overcoming all odds Prize winners of class I-A Prize winners of class I-B Prize winners of class II-A Prize winners of class II-B Prize winners of class III-A Prize winners of class III-B Prize winners of class III-C Prize winners of class IV-A Prize winners of class IV-B Prize winners of class IV-C Prize winners of class V-A Prize winners of class V-B Prize winners of class V-C Prize winners of class VI-A Prize winners of class VI-B Prize winners of class VI-C Prize winners of class VII-A Prize winners of class VII-B Prize winners of class VII-C Prize winners of class VIII-A Prize winners of class IX-A Prize winners of class IX-B Prize winners of class IX-C Prize winners of class IX-D Prize winners of class IX-E Prize winners of class XI-A Prize winners of class XI-B Prize winners of class XI-C Prize winners of class XI-D Prize winners of class XI-E Prize winners of class XI-F Prize winners of class XI-G Tiny tots enthralling the audience