Eurofest, is the next stage of the Odyssey of the Mind programme, world’s largest creative problem solving programme. Teams of students from kindergarten to college from across the world, showcase performances on long term and spontaneous problems.
The regional winners of ODM, viz, Kartikeya Gupta, Pallavi Nigam, Ankita Chabra, Isha Arora, Tanveen Kaur Bedi, Shambhavi Rathore and Mrinal Sharma, along with their team coach Teena Elizabeth Varkey, participated in the international level of the competition – Eurofest. Held at Poland from April 29 – May 3, (2016 ?), the team won the third prize, thus proving their proficient problem solving skills. The school team competed with multifarious teams from India, China, Poland, Romania, Russia, Belarus and Germany, among others. In the mixed team problem category, the school team was clubbed with the Russian team from Chelyabinsk and Romanian team from Bucharest.