Team leader KuberSumra (X E) along with AashnaManocha ( X D), Oorja Mehta (X B) and Radha Agarwal (X F) with mentor teacher P Rohini took up the cause of spreading awareness on Hand Sanitization. The excellent work done by the team fetched them the Second Runners-Up trophy. The team was also adjudged first in the Best Research Strategy.
Dance performace during National street food festival Panel discussion with esteemed panelists to address the issue of food wastage Presenting handmade bookmarks to the author guest Presenting street play at the National Trade Fair to stop food wastage Youth Power Team won the Second Prize for the project Ahaar an attempt to eradicate hunger and no food wastage Team leader Bharat Goyal along with Aditi Sinha, Tanya Aggarwal, Rishik Sood and a number of volunteers worked on
a project titled ‘Ahaar’ that aimed to eradicate hunger through no food wastage. The excellent work done by the team
fetched them the Second Runners-Up trophy. The team was also adjudged first in the Best Fund Raising model category.