MI FEST 2017

Date: August 31, 2017

Amity International School, Sector 46 hosted fifth Inter school Annual MI Fest -2017. Twenty schools from Gurgaon and NCR took part in the event. Various competitions like Rhyming zone, Think Tac Toe, Skit Presentation, Radio Gaga, Digisp@ce#, MIQuest, Junk Band, Street Dance,were assessed by eminent judges on parameters that accounted for all the 8 multiple intelligences viz. Linguistic, Spatial, Bodily, Kinesthetic, Inter Personal, Intra Personal, Logical, Musical and Naturalistic.

Students were applauded and acknowledged for their effort and performances. Judges were amazed to see the talent and enthusiasm of children at such a young age. The overall championship went to Amity International School, Sector-43.School Principal, Mrs. Arti Chopra and the respective judges gave away the prizes for each event.