Date: July 15-16, 2021

The school organized its thirteenth AMIGMUN virtually with 338 student delegates from Classes VIII-XI representing 8 committees namely UNGA (UN General Assembly), WHO (World Health Organisation), UNHRC (UN Human Rights Committee), UNCOPUOS (UN Committee on Peaceful uses of Outer Space), IAAE (International Agency On Atomic Energy), WTO (World Trade Organisation), AIPPM (All India Political Parties Meet), and JCC (Joint Crisis Committee NATO vs Russia). The event began with the introduction of secretary general Somesh Taori, alumnus (batch 20-21) by Charge’de’ Affair Kusum Kapoor following which the delegates discussed various agendas like ‘Reviewing the current healthcare systems to avoid and to respond to future pandemics’, ‘The human rights violations of refugees during the Covid 19 pandemic’, etc. It culminated with release of the third edition of ‘The Daily Delegate’, the e-newsletter, which captured the best and most interesting moments of the various committees.