
Amity Yuva Vichar Manch is a forum provided by Chairperson Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan wherein the students and teachers across Amity, discuss and debate on various scientific and technical issues of importance. This year-long programme comprises five stages, viz., essay writing competition, group discussions, debating sessions, power point presentations based on the compilation of case studies and concludes with the most elaborative Youth Parliament that also involves understanding of parliamentary procedures.


Date: May 5, 2018

AYVM 2017-18 comprised a ‘teacher’s presentation’ on six different topics as ‘Automation can leave job cuts in India’, ‘Is social networking leading to breaking of family linkages’, ‘Should Indians go back to 3R norms or find technologies for waste management’, ‘On-Line games are health hazards’, ‘Are disasters more man made than natural’, ‘Make in India vs made in India’ and ‘Evaluation system stumbling block in nurturing creativity’. The competition held at AIS Mayur Vihar, was attended by over 60 teachers from across all branches. It was an informative and healthy competition, judged by experts from different fields for each topic. Ms Beena Vinod of the school secured first prize while Ms Anju Singh and Ms Hansa Arora won third prize each.