Amity International School, 46 Gurgaon celebrated Founder’s Day in honour of the birthday of Founder President, Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan. Chairperson of the Amity Group of schools and RBEF, Dr. Amita Chauhan , joined the Amitians of AIS, 46 on this auspicious occasion.Dance Drama – Jugalbandi , depicted the vision of Founder, Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan which aimed at focussing on holistic education with a blend of traditional and scientific innovation adopted at Amity. Amitians , expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Founder President,for creating wonderful global opportunities for the students which have always helped them to learn and grow.The school Principal Mrs. Arti Chopra welcomed all the distinguished guests and expressed her thanks to Founder President, for his continuous support and guidance The students who had bagged gold, silver and bronze medals in National & International Sports Tournaments were felicitated as well. They were honoured with Blazers and Pockets.
Chairperson Dr. ( Mrs) Amita Chauhan gave the students a success mantra- BHAAG
Students presented a collection of self- composed poems written for Founder President
Memento presented to the Chairperson by Principal
Scholarship holders from class V- XI were felicitated by the Chairperson and Principal
Lighting of the lamp by the Hon’ble Chairperson
Students who achieved 10 CGPA in class X were felicitated by the Chairperson for their outstanding performance in academics
Chairperson Dr. ( Mrs) Amita Chauhan gave the students a success mantra- BHAAG
Students presented a collection of self- composed poems written for Founder President
Memento presented to the Chairperson by Principal
Scholarship holders from class V- XI were felicitated by the Chairperson and Principal
Lighting of the lamp by the Hon’ble Chairperson
Students who achieved 10 CGPA in class X were felicitated by the Chairperson for their outstanding performance in academics