MI Fest 2023

Date: August 23, 2023

The school organised its 11th MI Fest ‘Carpe Diem: Let’s Seize The Day’, an annual interschool multiple intelligence fest based on the theme ‘Our Planet: One Earth, One Family, One Future’. It witnessed participation of students from Class I-V across Delhi/ NCR in different competitions designed to challenge, recognise, and reward their abilities across eight intelligences. A total of five competitions were conducted in two rounds and judged by a jury comprising experts from fields like education, IT, dance, etc. The host school won first prize in Class I skit presentation titled Future Brilliante; Class II critical thinking activity Think, Tac, Toe; Class III radio jockey show Radionics; and Class IV international dance competition Melange. It bagged second prize in in Toy Tonics for Class IV wherein, students presented pitches explaining their Eco-Toys based on innovative problem-solving approach for sustainable planet using recycled materials.