Date: June 23-25, 2021
A team of 6 students was declared national winners in digital category of Toycathon-2021. Aarush Gupta (IX), Aayush Garg (X), Aditya Aggarwal (XII), Aarushi Singh (XII), Rishab Yadav (XII) and Vaibhav Sharma (XII) registered victory for their app VR based app called Bharat Mystery that enables the user to explore the various cultural and historical tourist destinations of India. Their idea was amongst the final 117 selected ideas out of 17770 received from all over India for the competition. Toycathon, is a joint initiative of Ministry of Education, WCD, MSME, DPIIT, Textile Ministry, I&B Ministry and AICTE. It was held to facilitate crowd source funding for innovative Indian games and toys and inculcate the spirit of ‘Vocal for Local’ amongst young minds.
Toycathon winners (L-R) Aarush Gupta, Aayush Garg, Aditya Aggarwal
Toycathon winners (L-R) Aarushi Singh, Rishab Yadav and Vaibhav Sharma