
The Vasudha exhibition for the school on the theme ‘Weather and Climate’ was held on July 19, 2014 where each section presented varied sub themes as climatic zones, methods of predicting weather, water cycle, global warming and weather phenomenon, to name a few. The innovative projects displayed were judged by a panel of eminent scientists.


In order to make Mathematics interesting and exciting, the school organises ‘Mathamity’ – an Inter Amity event, every alternate year. It is a unique, math based competition wherein students make theme based projects in groups and showcase them in innovative ways. The event is research based and correlated with real life, rather than learning from text books. Challenging themes like ‘Math in nature’, ‘Math in the kitchen’, etc, stimulate the grey cells of the students and encourage them to think out of the box. Students develop projects based on the relevant themes, which are judged by a panel of expert.