Youth Power 2022

Date: July 19, 2023

School bagged first runner up position along with AIS Saket at the 14th Youth Power finale held offline after a hiatus of two years. The team also bagged the award for Best Community Outreach while the team mentor Deepika Bailey won the award for Best Mentor Teacher. YP Team ‘Samanvay’ comprising  Parisha Saxena, Gauri Mishra and Sritha Srikanth of Class XI and Saniya Nagpal of Class IX endeavoured to create a better world by reducing carbon emissions. The highlight of their activity was to plant oxygen-rich plants in empty coconut shells and present them to different guests at various occasions. These coconut planters were also presented at the Project Showcase at District Interact leadership Assembly organized by Rotary International, where the team bagged the first position over 70 schools and were titled ‘Game Changers’ for their Youth Power initiative. A total of 11 handpicked teams from Amity Group of Schools across Delhi-NCR and UP participated in this event graced by Ayushman Jamwal, Senior Editor, CNN News 18 as the Chief Guest. The annual ethical leadership and social awareness competition was judged by eminent jury comprising social worker Dr Neha Sharma and Dr Amitabh Singh, Associate Professor, JNU.